
Britney Spears to open MTV's Video Music Awards

Some of youtube's comments on this video about Britney Spears.

Let's see what people are saying after all the troubles hit this pop princess Britney Spears, 25.

"ok here's the case...she should fired people who works for her...first her hair stylist who i she had an argument with, her manager which didn't do enough to stopped Kevin Federline from ruining her life and last but not the least...her fitness structor..she's not fat and people would like her whatever..." said Arenitti

"Britney is sooooo boring she shouldn't even try to make a come back and I agree with everybody that she should loose her kids, til she take care of her problem, but she doesn't want to listen to the people and stay in rehab, but I also don'y want to see the kids go to kevin either" by Pishdad


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